SAM-LAN is the new, innovative wireless network technology by SAMSON. SAM-LAN can be used in existing or new properties without the need for additional communication cables (e.g. underground cables).
The smart, dynamic wireless network connects all house substations over unlicensed radio frequency bands. SAM-LAN allows cost-effective management and control of local and district heating substations in properties. Integrated functions, such as remote maintenance access, simple data handling, and consumption metering, are additionally available to support users.
The SAM-LAN wireless technology was developed for use with SAMSON heating controllers. The stand-alone network is particularly dynamic and flexible.
Thanks to ingenious software, the RF gateways used form dynamic, flexible wireless networks without having to rely on external providers. The topology of the wireless network provides several routes to forward data. The SAM-LAN wireless mesh network impresses through its self-configuring and self-healing capabilities.
Special features
Wireless technology
Data security
Data communication
The web portal SAM DISTRICT ENERGY serves as central platform to visualize your applications. This interface provides maximum transparency of all (heating) controllers, utility meters, and any other components within the SAM-LAN wireless network. Besides the (remote) management of district heating stations, numerous other functions are integrated:
The RF gateways can be easily configured for the wireless network over the integrated web server. Possible configuration of the network nodes includes:
Additionally, the wireless network is encrypted (AES-256). Once configured, the web server assists users during start-up and optimization of the wireless network.
SAM-LAN offers a wide range of applications, for example, in the local and district heating market. SAM-LAN provides a cost-effective management and control of new or existing properties connected to local and district heating networks. The data exchange over SAM-LAN helps save energy and optimize existing systems.
SAM-LAN is state-of-the-art technology for simple, user-friendly networking of house substations. The system provides numerous benefits:
Data generated by (heating) controllers and utility meters in the wireless network are continuously logged. These data are forwarded cyclically to the web portal SAM DISTRICT ENERGY for visualization:
Heating controllers:
Utility meters:
The SAM-LAN wireless network is already in use in a residential area (Paul-Hertz-Siedlung) in Berlin-Charlottenburg. The settlement covers an area of more than 500,000 m², on which over 120 buildings have been built.
The existing district heating stations have been fitted with SAMSON controllers from the TROVIS 5500 Automation System. Over 60 domestic substations are operated using an aggregation node and broadband connection. Additionally, the different buildings are visualized, managed, controlled, and serviced.
The meter data from the district heating stations are additionally logged using the meter bus interfaces of the RF gateway without controller.
Cooperation partners:
Various SAMSON components are available for use with SAM-LAN. The SAM LAN Gateway serves as hardware for wireless networking of SAMSON (heating) controllers, for example. The special SAM LAN Network Planner software tool supports users in planning the network. The new web portal SAM DISTRICT ENERGY, the SAMSON's business solution for local heat and district heating, is used for visualization and includes additional functions.
The software was specially developed for SAM-LAN and supports users in planning and starting up their own wireless networks. The metadata serve to manage customer-specific data. Through the integrated simulation function, the appropriate network structure is found and the ideal position of the aggregation node in the network calculated. The network analysis shows the actual state of the radio network and monitors the quality of wireless network connections.
The web portal SAM DISTRICT ENERGY allows an all-round, transparent display and overview of all controllers and end devices in the SAM-LAN wireless network. Through the access to individual controllers, it is possible to set and change control parameters and time schedules as well as poll all heat meters (meter readings). The logging functions allow trends, alarms, and parameters (selectable as required) to be logged. These data can be used for statistical purposes.
Communication with controllers is possible from anywhere and with any mobile device.